Integrated Plant Building

Cereal and rice process plants (e.g., flour mills, feed mills, seed plants, rice mills, malting plants, and breweries) typically include daily and dosing silos, structures for process departments, and silos for finished and byproducts. However, the design of these components is often performed separately, resulting in a suboptimal integrated design.

Process plant design must also account for limited space and heavy seismic loads, which can be expensive and dangerous if not properly addressed. CESCO EPC offers flexible, bolted silos in both square and cylindrical shapes, manufactured from stainless steel, galvanized steel or steel finished with food-grade powder coating.

Our engineering department has significant experience and references in optimizing the design of integrated silos and structures for process buildings, with a focus on improving static cooperation, selecting optimal structural typology, simplifying foundation design, standardizing the grid, combining reinforced concrete and steel, preventing dead areas, and improving safety.

CESCO EPC’s steel structures design solutions for buildings allow for detailed prefabrication, short delivery times, container or truck transport, local team erection with CESCO supervision, and faster erection compared to alternative solutions.

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