About us

Decades of experience executing projects worldwide
CESCO EPC GmbH is an internationally operating German company based in Konstanz, specialized in the design and supply of industrial plants for grain logistics and processing. This includes handling, storing, and processing systems as well as steel structures and buildings.
We offer our clients personalized professional solutions with technology and quality guaranteed and backed by decades of experience executing projects all over the world. The products and services offered by CESCO are mainly divided into four business areas.

Inland Grain Terminals

Port Grain Terminals

Steel Structures for Milling Plants

Turnkey Plants
Why choose CESCO?
Our lean structure, our flexible and dynamic processes as well as efficient tools enable us to meet the expectations of our customers and employees. CESCO has extensive international experience in large project management with a complete portfolio for grain handling, storing, and processing, Including technological know how in steel structures and buildings. Always faithful to our value proposition, “Smart Concept, Easy Operation”, CESCO is a reliable partner for investors.

Grain terminals with 2.288.700 mt storage capacity worldwide since 2009
Dry Milling plants for a total milling capacity of 4.260 t/d since 2009
CESCO is currently developing global projects and facilities in more than 15 countries, highlighting among others, the following areas of influence: Europe, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Middle East, Far East, Central America and Africa.
- Smart concepts of tailor-made plants for the customer’s benefit
- Internal basic and fine engineering including structural design of steel structures
- Industrial design of manufacturing process
- Special attention to the operational efficiency and energy saving
- German Engineering, made in Europe
- Family business, short hierarchies, quick decisions, strong commitment

How we do it?
Developing partnership with the customer for his tailor-made plant.
Defining the overall scope, clarifying interfaces and responsibilities, dynamically coordinating internal and external teams, solving upcoming issues, and accelerating implementation.
Global and local network of suppliers with high quality and reliable delivery schedules, ensuring effective quality management.
Supervision of all project-related activities, including design and realization, complete erection, and commissioning of the plant.